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Christopher Gurguis
Evolution | Psychiatry
Staff Psychiatrist, The Menninger Clinic
Assistant Professor, Baylor College of Medicine

Gurguis, C. I., R. A. Duckworth, N. M. Bucaro, C. I. Walss-Bass. Under Review. Fitness consequences of depressive symptoms vary between generations: Evidence from a large cohort of women across the 20th century. PLOS One.
​Gurguis, C. I., T. Meyer, J. Schmitz, E. Leung, C. Walss-Bass. Under Review. Personality factors associated with manner of death: A psychological autopsy study. Journal of Psychiatric Research.
Gurguis, C. I., T. S. Kimm, T. A. Pigott. 2024. Perspective: The evolution of hormones and person perception-a quantitative genetic framework. Frontiers in Psychology. 15: 1395974. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2024.1395974.
Gurguis, C. I. and R. A. Duckworth. 2022. Dynamic changes in begging signal short-term information on hunger and need. American Naturalist. 199 (5): 705-718. doi: 10.1086/719030
Jones, G., C. Rong, C. M. Vecera, C. I. Gurguis, R. Chudal, E. Leung, C. Vecera, A. Ruiz, L. Shahani, M. Zanetti, R. T. de Sousa, G. Busatto, J. Soares, W. Gattaz, and R. Machado-Vieira. 2022. The role of lithium treatment on comorbid anxiety symptoms in patients with bipolar depression. Journal of Affective Disorders. 308: 71-75. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2022.04.025.
Lavagnino, L., C. I. Gurguis, and S. D. Lane. 2021. Risk factors for cardiovascular disease in hospitalized patients with severe mental illness. Psychiatry Research Oct. 304 (Epub Aug.):114148. doi: 10.1016/j.psychres.2021.114148.
Boddu, P., C. Gurguis, D. Sanford, J. Cortes, M. Akosile, F. Ravandi, G. Garcia-Manero, K. P. Patel, T. Kadia, M. Brandt, R. Maduike, H. Kantarjian, and G. Borthakur. 2018. Response kinetics and factors predicting survival in core-binding factor leukemia. Leukemia 8 June doi: 10.1038/s41375-018-0158-1.
Garcia, J. G. N., T. Zhou, C. I. Gurguis, C. Bime, T. Wang, L. Hecker, A. A. Desai. 2016. microRNAs in inflammatory lung disease. in Translating microRNAs to the Clinic. ed. J. Laurence. Elsevier Science.
Gu, W., J. Ko, C. I. Gurguis, Y. Zhu, E. A. Ko, J. Zhou, M. F. Hammer, T. Wang, T. Zhou. 2015. Functional and structural consequence of rare exonic single nucleotide polymorphisms: one story, two tales. Genome Biology and Evolution 7 (10): 2929-2940.
Qian, Z., T. Zhou, C. I. Gurguis, J. Lv, F. Fang, J. G. N. Garcia, T. Wang. 2015. Nuclear factor, erythroid 2-like 2-associated molecular signature predicts lung cancer survival. Scientific Reports 5:16889.
Wang, R., C. I. Gurguis, W. Gu, E. A. Ko, I. Lim, H. Bang, T. Zhou, J. Ko. 2015. Ion channel gene expression patterns predict survival in glioma patients. Scientific Reports 5: 11593.
Gurguis, C. I. 2014. The Function And Early Ontogeny Of Individual Variation In Conspicuous Begging Behavior In A Passerine Bird. Master’s Thesis. University of Arizona, ProQuest Dissertations Publishing (1571693).
​Posters and Presentations
*denotes trainee co-author
McInturff, S., C. I. Gurguis, A. Ruiz, S. Lane, S. Thomas. 2024. The Complex Impact of Substance Use on Symptoms of SARS-CoV-2 Infection in a Psychiatric Inpatient Cohort. American Psychiatric Association, Annual Conference, New York, NY.
Shamoon, U.*, C. I. Gurguis, S. McInturff, A. Adaralegbe, T. S. Kimm. 2023. Religiosity Predicts Severity of Mania But Not Hospitalization Outcomes in Patients with Severe Mental Illness. Texas Society of Psychiatric Physicians, Annual Conference. Fort Worth, TX.
Gurguis, C. I., N. Bucaro*, M. Holmes*. 2023. Estrogen integrates low mood and fecundity in the evolution of depression over the 20th century. Evolution 2023, Albuquerque, NM
Gurguis, C. I., R. Nesse, C. Walss-Bass. 2023. Darkness illuminated: how evolutionary psychiatry can shed new light on depression and improve clinical care. General Session. American Psychiatric Association, Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA.
Smith, K.*, C. I. Gurguis, K. Budd*, M. Patel*, T. Kimm. 2023. Early childhood trauma influences life history decisions made in adulthood in patients with severe mental illness. American Psychiatric Association, Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA.
Gurguis, C. I., R. Duckworth, N. Bucaro*, C. Walss-Bass. 2022. Fitness consequences of depression vary across generations: evidence from a large cohort study of women across the 20th Century. Evolution 2022, Cleveland, OH.
Jin, J.*, A. Actor*, C. I. Gurguis, T. Kimm, and T. Pigott. 2022. Childhood Sexual Trauma Increases Impulsivity in Patients with Schizophrenia and Decreases Length of Hospital Admission. American Psychiatric Association, Annual Meeting 2022, New Orleans, LA.
Nania, C. V.*, C. I. Gurguis, A. C. Ruiz, and T. Kimm. 2022. Integration of psychiatric traits clusters around history of trauma and psychosis-mania in hospitalized patients with severe mental illness. American Psychiatric Association, Annual Meeting 2022, New Orleans, LA.
Gurguis, C. I., H. N. Malone*, N. M. Bucaro*, S. R. Anderson, C. Walss-Bass. 2021. Is depression adaptive? Patterns of natural and sexual selection on depressive symptoms in women. American Psychiatric Association, Annual Meeting 2021, Los Angeles, CA.
Gurguis, C. I., V. K. Nguyen, J. Findley, A. Ruiz, S. Hernandez, T. Pigott. 2021. Flexibility versus stability in structure of impulsivity in hospitalized patients with severe mental illness. American Psychiatric Association, Annual Meeting 2021, Los Angeles, CA (re-submission from 2020).
Thomason, N.*, Bertini, C.*, Gurguis, C. I., Rios, A. 2021. "Nothing in biology makes sense except in light of evolution” – why medical education needs evolutionary medicine. Shine Academy Innovations Conference, Houston, TX.
Nguyen, V. K.*, A. M. Ward*, C. I. Gurguis, A. Ruiz, S. Hernandez, J. Findley, T. Pigott. 2021. The prevalence of impulsivity and substance use among psychiatric inpatients with schizophrenia-related diagnoses. American Psychiatric Association, Annual Meeting 2021, Los Angeles, CA (re-submission from 2020).
Gurguis, C. I., L. R. de Armas, H. M. Kantarjian, P. C. Boddu, P. Jain, G. Borthakur, D. E. Giza, G. Iliescu, J. Lopez-Mattei, P. Kim, G. Garcia-Manero, F. Ravandi, W. G. Wierda, S. Kornblau, E. J. Jabbour, C. Iliescu, and J. Cortes. 2017. Echocardiographic Findings in Patients (pts) Receiving Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors (TKIs) for the Treatment of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML). American Society of Hematology, 59th Annual Meeting and Exposition, Atlanta, GA.
Boddu, P., C. I. Gurguis, J. E. Cortes, M. Akosile, F. Ravandi, D. Sanford, M. Brandt, R. Maduike, T. Kadia, H. M. Kantarjian, and G. Borthakur. 2017. Response Kinetics and Factors Predicting Survival Among Patients with Core Binding Factor (CBF) Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML). American Society of Hematology, 59th Annual Meeting and Exposition, Atlanta, GA.
Gurguis, C. I. 2017. Approaches in Evolutionary Medicine. McGovern Medical School, Wilderness Medicine Society, Houston, TX.
Miller, K.*, K. Weston*, and C. I. Gurguis. 2016. Plasticity emerges from multiple sources of variation—how begging signal function evolves in a passerine bird. Evolution 2016, Austin, TX.
Gurguis, C. I. and R. A. Duckworth. 2013. Ontogenetic origin of behavioral differences in a passerine bird. The 131st Meeting of the American Ornithologists’ Union, Chicago, IL.
Gurguis, C. I., K. E. Wagner, S. R. Ross. 2011. Behavioral effects of exhibit alternation on gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) and chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). The 34th Meeting of the American Society of Primatologists, Austin, TX.
Gurguis, C. I., M. Beiting*, J. West*, M. O'Connor, B. Landrum, G. Garza. 2010. The socioecology of territoriality in the Painted Bunting (Passerina ciris). Southwest Psychological Association Convention, Dallas, TX.
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